Yin Yang and Unicursal Hexagram
Explain Like I’m Five: Parallels in Quantum Yin Yang and Technoshamanism
Explain Like I’m Five: Parallels in Quantum Yin Yang and Technoshamanism

Explain Like I’m Five: Parallels in Quantum Yin Yang and Technoshamanism

We are living in a time of great social change. Digital transformation trends are becoming commonplace through metaphor.

The Unicursal Hexagram and Connection of Opposites

This is the Yin Yang and Unicursal Hexagram ELI5 version.The unicursal hexagram, a six-pointed star, symbolizes the connection between opposites. The Yin Yang, a circle divided into black and white halves, demonstrates how opposites such as light and dark depend on each other for existence.

Quantum Physics: A Magical Rulebook

There’s something called quantum physics, which is like a magic rulebook for tiny particles that make up everything around us. These particles can be in many places or shapes at once until someone looks at them. This is kind of like the Yin Yang, where two different things are actually part of the same big picture.

The Yin Yang and Quantum Uncertainty

In quantum physics, a rule exists. It states you can’t know everything about a particle simultaneously. For instance, its location and speed. This resembles the Yin Yang symbol. Each half contains a part of the other. It illustrates how everything is interconnected. Yin Yang and Unicursal Hexagram represent perfectly this union. This union is the quantum yin yang.

Technoshamanism: Life’s Dance of Opposites

These symbols, the unicursal hexagram and the Yin Yang, teach us that things in life aren’t good or bad, but both. Everything connects in a unique dance, rendering the world an intriguing and surprising place.

The Principle of 0=2 and Quantum Parallels

There’s also a cool idea called “0=2” from a man named Aleister Crowley. It means that even things that seem very different are actually coming from the same place. This is like quantum physics, where things can be in two states at once, but deep down, they come from one big, mysterious field.

Conclusion: Technoshamanism is The Universe’s Harmonious Dance and the Yin Yang and Unicursal Hexagram

In the end, these symbols and quantum physics reveal that the universe is a realm where everything links together in a beautiful dance.. The technoshamanism dance. We learn that the world isn’t just black and white, but a mix of many things, all playing together in harmony.

The Holy Books of Thelema
figurâ XXVII A book of trigrams of the mutations of the tao with the yin and yang. An account of the cosmic process. Liber AL vel Legis sub figurâ CCXX