Love is the Law

The Names in the Ruby Star Ritual: Importance and Practical Focus

The Ruby Star Ritual, also known as the Star Ruby, is a significant ceremonial practice in Thelema, designed to purify the practitioner’s spiritual and mental space. This ritual involves the use of specific names and phrases, which are integral to its performance. However, while these names hold symbolic power, the …

Preparing for the Ruby Star Ritual: Tools, Techniques, and Breathwork for Beginners

Ruby Star – Preparations The Ruby Star Ritual is a transformative practice in Thelema, aiming to purify and empower practitioners. To perform this ritual effectively, certain preparations and tools are essential. This guide will outline the necessary items, preparation steps, and beneficial breathwork techniques for beginners. Essential Tools and Setup …

How to Perform the Ruby Star Ritual: A Practical Guide

The Ruby Star Ritual, or Star Ruby, is a potent Thelemic ceremonial practice created by Aleister Crowley. It aims to purify the practitioner’s energy and mental space, invoking protective forces and fostering spiritual growth. This guide provides a step-by-step process for performing the ritual and outlines its benefits. 1. Preparation …

Cancel Culture: Democracy and Capitalism in Action

In today’s digital age, “cancel culture” has become a contentious topic, sparking heated debates across social media platforms and dinner tables alike. But what if we’re missing the bigger picture? This phenomenon, often misunderstood, is deeply rooted in the foundations of democracy and capitalism. Let’s explore how cancel culture reflects …

The Evolution of Religion

Unveiling the Origins and Evolution of Judaism: Exploring the Root of Abrahamic Faiths As the foundational faith of the Abrahamic religious tradition, Judaism holds a unique place in the spiritual landscape of humanity. Tracing its origins back thousands of years, this ancient belief system has not only shaped the lives …

Egregore Creation by Intent and the Feeding and Care of Yours

Egregore creation by intent or through natural phenomenon, is a fascinating topic within the larger umbrella of memetics. The Unseen Architects: Exploring the Impact of Egregores on American Life In the vast tapestry of human experience, there exist invisible threads woven into the fabric of our shared reality—threads that bind …

Quantum Technoshamanism: Exploring Symbolic Parallels

Similarities in Symbolism Interestingly, the unicursal hexagram of Thelema and the Eastern Yin Yang symbol present insightful philosophical parallels. Additionally, these symbols intriguingly tie into quantum physics principles, notably exemplifying Niels Bohr’s concept of complementarity. Such a merging paves the way for the advent of quantum technoshamanism. We are beginning …

Freemasonry: The Preservation of Esoteric Knowledge via Fraternal Order

As we continue our exploration into the vast realm of the fraternal order of Freemasonry, we will now turn our attention to its growth behind the scenes, particularly during the early colonial period in America. We will also explore the fascinating role Freemasonry played in preserving arcane and esoteric knowledge …