
Egregore Creation by Intent and the Feeding and Care of Yours

Egregore creation by intent or through natural phenomenon, is a fascinating topic within the larger umbrella of memetics. The Unseen Architects: Exploring the Impact of Egregores on American Life In the vast tapestry of human experience, there exist invisible threads woven into the fabric of our shared reality—threads that bind …

Quantum Technoshamanism: Exploring Symbolic Parallels

Similarities in Symbolism Interestingly, the unicursal hexagram of Thelema and the Eastern Yin Yang symbol present insightful philosophical parallels. Additionally, these symbols intriguingly tie into quantum physics principles, notably exemplifying Niels Bohr’s concept of complementarity. Such a merging paves the way for the advent of quantum technoshamanism. We are beginning …

Freemasonry: The Preservation of Esoteric Knowledge via Fraternal Order

As we continue our exploration into the vast realm of the fraternal order of Freemasonry, we will now turn our attention to its growth behind the scenes, particularly during the early colonial period in America. We will also explore the fascinating role Freemasonry played in preserving arcane and esoteric knowledge …

Explain Like I’m Five: Parallels in Quantum Yin Yang and Technoshamanism

We are living in a time of great social change. Digital transformation trends are becoming commonplace through metaphor. The Unicursal Hexagram and Connection of Opposites This is the Yin Yang and Unicursal Hexagram ELI5 version.The unicursal hexagram, a six-pointed star, symbolizes the connection between opposites. The Yin Yang, a circle …

The Role of N95 Respirators : Understanding, Efficacy, and Misinformation

Personal Introduction As a lifelong Libertarian and the author of this article, I consider mandates such as mask-wearing to be akin to seatbelt laws, or regulations against any behavior that is not immediately life-threatening. However, common sense should prevail in public health, especially during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. We …

Exploring the Enigmatic Depths: A Deep Dive into Dark Ambient Music

Introduction to Dark Ambient Music Within the expansive realm of ambient music, a subgenre exists that delves into the shadows. It conjures a sense of foreboding and mystery. This subgenre, known as dark ambient, harnesses atmospheric soundscapes to create an eerie and otherworldly sonic experience. In this post, we embark …

The Symbiosis of Sensations: Frisson and Dark Ambient Music

Frisson and ASMR In the vast and intricate world of sensory experiences, certain phenomena and artistic expressions intertwine to create unique and profound moments of perception. This blog post delves into the captivating realms of ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response), frissons (chills or tingling sensations), dark ambient music, the band …