Occult Groups

Freemasonry: The Preservation of Esoteric Knowledge via Fraternal Order

As we continue our exploration into the vast realm of the fraternal order of Freemasonry, we will now turn our attention to its growth behind the scenes, particularly during the early colonial period in America. We will also explore the fascinating role Freemasonry played in preserving arcane and esoteric knowledge …

Rosicrucianism, a Significant Philosophical Movement

Rosicrucianism is a mystical and philosophical movement that originated in the early 17th century. It is based on a series of manifestos known as the “Rosicrucian Manifesto,” which claimed to reveal the secret knowledge and teachings of an ancient brotherhood of initiates. While Rosicrucianism encompasses various interpretations and branches, there …

The Power of Parody Religions: Finding Kinship and Healing Through Satire

Parody: The Healing Voice of No Reason Parody religions challenge conventional norms, and offer unique perspectives on spirituality. In a world dominated by mainstream religions, this is necessary.. They are satirical religions that seem unconventional or even nonsensical. However, they serve the profound purpose of giving shelter to those needing …

Aleister Crowley’s Influence on Occult Organizations

Aleister Crowley, often regarded as one of the most controversial and influential figures in the realm of occultism, has left an indelible mark on the landscape of contemporary esoteric practices. His spiritual and philosophical system, Thelema, represents a synthesis of ideas drawn from various occult organizations to which he was …

A Comparative Analysis of Scientology and Thelema: Uncovering Similarities and Discerning Differences

In the realm of esoteric and occult beliefs, two prominent systems have captured the attention of seekers and critics alike: Scientology and Thelema. While both systems have their own unique characteristics, examining their similarities and dissimilarities can provide valuable insights into their foundations, practices, and the potential influence they may …