Scientology and Thelema
A Comparative Analysis: Scientology Versus Thelema
A Comparative Analysis: Scientology Versus Thelema

A Comparative Analysis: Scientology Versus Thelema

scientology versus thelema

In the realm of esoteric and occult belief systems, two distinct philosophies have long captivated the public’s imagination: Scientology and Thelema. While these two systems may seem vastly different on the surface, a deeper examination reveals a complex web of similarities and differences that offer valuable insights into the nature of alternative spiritual and metaphysical movements.

Scientology, founded by the prolific writer and science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard, emerged in the mid-20th century as a self-improvement and spiritual development system. At its core, Scientology posits that each individual possesses an eternal, spiritual being known as a “thetan,” which is burdened by traumatic experiences, or “engrams,” accumulated over countless lifetimes. Through a process of auditing, where trained practitioners guide individuals through a series of questions and exercises, Scientologists believe they can uncover and eliminate these engrams, ultimately freeing the thetan and unlocking its full potential.

Thelema, on the other hand, is a religious and philosophical system developed by the renowned occultist Aleister Crowley in the early 20th century. Inspired by ancient Egyptian mythology and the concept of the “True Will,” Thelema emphasizes the individual’s pursuit of their unique destiny and the realization of their authentic self. Crowley’s seminal work, “The Book of the Law,” serves as the foundational text for Thelema, outlining the core principles of the system, including the famous dictum “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”

scientology for profit

While Scientology and Thelema may appear vastly different in their origins, practices, and overall worldviews, there are several intriguing parallels that merit further exploration. Both systems place a strong emphasis on the individual’s personal journey of self-discovery and transformation, with the ultimate goal of achieving a higher state of being or consciousness. Additionally, both Scientology and Thelema have been the subject of intense scrutiny and controversy, with critics accusing them of being cults, exploiting their followers, and making unsubstantiated claims about the nature of reality and the human condition.

One of the most striking similarities between the two systems lies in their historical connections. Aleister Crowley, the founder of Thelema, was known to have had a significant influence on L. Ron Hubbard, the creator of Scientology. Hubbard himself was an avid reader of Crowley’s works and was rumored to have been initiated into Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis, a secret society with Thelemic leanings. This intriguing link between the two systems has fueled speculation about the potential cross-pollination of ideas and practices, and the extent to which Scientology may have been influenced by the underlying principles of Thelema.

Delving deeper into the Scientology versus Thelema match-off, both systems share a common emphasis on the individual’s quest for self-realization and the attainment of a heightened state of awareness. Thelema, with its central tenet of “Do what thou wilt,” encourages followers to discover and embrace their true will, or purpose, in life. Similarly, Scientology’s focus on “auditing” and the exploration of the individual’s “reactive mind” aims to help adherents overcome limiting beliefs and achieve a state of clear, or spiritual enlightenment. This shared focus on personal transformation and the expansion of consciousness is a key area of convergence between the two belief systems.

Moreover, both Scientology and Thelema have been embroiled in controversies and legal battles, with critics accusing them of being manipulative, exploitative, and even dangerous. Scientology, in particular, has faced numerous allegations of human rights abuses, coercive practices, and the suppression of dissent, while Thelema has been criticized for its perceived occultism and the controversial personal conduct of its founder, Aleister Crowley. These controversies have only served to heighten the public’s fascination and skepticism towards these alternative spiritual movements.

As both Scientology and Thelema continue to attract followers and spark ongoing debates, the exploration of their shared and divergent characteristics offers a unique opportunity to better understand the complex and multifaceted nature of alternative spiritual and metaphysical movements. By delving into the nuances of these two systems, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse ways in which individuals seek to unlock the mysteries of the human experience and their place in the grand tapestry of existence. The interplay between Scientology and Thelema, with their intriguing historical connections and their shared quest for personal transformation, invites a deeper examination of the human desire for spiritual fulfillment and the various pathways that individuals may choose to pursue in their journey of self-discovery. The (comical) Scientology versus Thelema battle is underway.

  1. Founding Figures:
    a. L. Ron Hubbard and Crowley: L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, and Aleister Crowley, the key proponent of Thelema, were both influential figures but belonged to different time periods and movements. While there are some claims that Hubbard may have drawn inspiration from Crowley’s ideas, there is no concrete evidence to support the assertion that he consciously perverted or stole Crowley’s concepts.
  2. Core Principles:
    a. Thelema: Thelema, as developed by Crowley, is based on the core principle of “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” It emphasizes individualism, personal freedom, and the pursuit of one’s true will, which is seen as aligning with divine will or purpose.

b. Scientology: Scientology centers around the concept of spiritual liberation and self-improvement. Hubbard introduced the idea of “thetans” (immortal spiritual beings) and the concept that individuals can enhance their spiritual abilities through counseling and auditing practices.

  1. Religious Approach and Practices:
    a. Thelema: Thelema is often considered a religious philosophy, blending elements of occultism and mysticism. It incorporates ceremonial rituals, magickal practices, and initiation ceremonies within its framework.

b. Scientology: Scientology is generally viewed as a religion, utilizing audiology as a form of spiritual counseling. Scientologists engage in various courses, training sessions, and auditing to progress along the “Bridge to Total Freedom.”

  1. Influence and Ideas:
    a. Potential Connections: There have been speculations about Hubbard’s familiarity with Crowley’s work, particularly since both individuals were involved in occult circles during their lifetimes. However, there is no definitive evidence to suggest that Hubbard specifically perverted Crowley’s ideas to control or enslave individuals within Scientology.

b. Individual Paths: While Crowley’s Thelema primarily focuses on individual spiritual liberation, Scientology centers more on personal development and improvement within a structured framework. The fundamental intentions of both systems differ significantly.

Scientology Versus Thelema

While some parallels may be drawn between Scientology and Thelema, they fundamentally differ in terms of core principles, practices, and purposes. While both systems have faced their share of controversies throughout history, asserting that Hubbard deliberately stole and perverted Crowley’s ideas to manipulate Scientologists seems speculative and lacks concrete evidence. Despite their tax exempt status, The Church of Scientology has made many wonder if Hubbard created Scientology for profit. Understanding the unique aspects of each belief system allows for a more nuanced discussion, providing a deeper appreciation for their profound impact on their respective followers and the broader spiritual landscape. Scientology versus Thelema isn’t as much a contest, it is a decision to choose water over a glass of poison.

Scientology is a set of beliefs and practices invented by the American author L. Ron Hubbard, and an associated movement. It is variously defined as a

Thelema (/θəˈliːmə/) is a Western esoteric and occult social or spiritual philosophy and a new religious movement founded in the early 1900s by Aleister

Was Alister Crowley an influence on Ron L. Hubbard? Is Thelma the …
Mar 3, 2023 One area I can think of where Scientology contradicts Thelema is … and turned into the Thelma cult and finally Scientology. They both …