The Symbiosis of Sensations: Frisson and Dark Ambient Music

The Symbiosis of Sensations: Frisson and Dark Ambient Music

Frisson and ASMR

In the vast and intricate world of sensory experiences, certain phenomena and artistic expressions intertwine to create unique and profound moments of perception. This blog post delves into the captivating realms of ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response), frissons (chills or tingling sensations), dark ambient music, the band Coil, and their intriguing connections to LSD, ketamine, and the occultist Aleister Crowley. Prepare to embark on a journey that intertwines the ethereal, the sensory, and the mystical.

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response

ASMR, a phenomenon characterized by pleasurable tingling sensations that typically originate from auditory or visual stimuli, has captivated millions around the world. It can induce a deeply relaxing and euphoric state, often described as a “brain massage.” Frissons, on the other hand, are sudden and intense waves of pleasurable shivers, often accompanied by goosebumps. These sensations can be triggered by various stimuli, including music, art, or emotionally charged moments.

Dark Ambient Atmosphere

Dark ambient music, with its atmospheric textures and haunting soundscapes, forms an ideal conduit for inducing ASMR and frissons. This genre embraces dissonance, hypnotic rhythms, and atmospheric layers to create immersive sonic experiences. The combination of sonic elements, such as deep drones, ethereal melodies, and intricate sound design, acts as a catalyst for sensory exploration and emotional resonance.


The influential band Coil, with their enigmatic and eclectic musical approach, ventured into the realms of dark ambient music. Their fascination with altered states of consciousness and occultism manifested in their sonic tapestries. While Coil didn’t explicitly create ASMR-inducing content, their music’s immersive nature and intricate layers have the potential to trigger such sensations in receptive individuals.

Chemical Frisson

LSD and ketamine, both psychedelic substances, have long been associated with expanded consciousness, altered perception, and spiritual exploration. LSD, known for its hallucinogenic properties, can induce profound sensory experiences, heightening the perception of sound and visual stimuli. Ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic, can create a sense of detachment from the body and facilitate introspection.

Coil’s members, particularly John Balance, openly discussed their experiences with psychedelic substances, including LSD and ketamine. Their music often reflects their fascination with altered states of mind, occultism, and mysticism. While Coil’s work is not explicitly about psychedelics, their explorations and their ability to create immersive and introspective sonic environments resonated with individuals who have had similar psychedelic experiences.

Obligatory Crowley Mention

Aleister Crowley, an influential occultist, left an indelible mark on Coil’s philosophical and artistic endeavors. Crowley’s teachings, which encompassed ceremonial magick, symbolism, and esoteric philosophy, found resonance within Coil’s esoteric interests. While not directly related to ASMR or frissons, Crowley’s occult legacy contributed to the band’s exploration of transcendent experiences and their desire to unravel the mysteries of consciousness.


These phenomena and influences offer gateways to altered states of consciousness, introspection, and the pursuit of the numinous. Whether through the soothing whispers of ASMR, the haunting melodies of dark ambient music, or the transcendence facilitated by psychedelic substances and occult teachings, these experiences remind us of the profound and intricate nature of our senses and the mysteries that lie beyond.